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Our advanced care starts with the latest technology and treatments.

A modern practice

for an elevated


Belle Meade Endodontics is a thriving practice with 12 modern operatories equipped with state-of-the-art technology and patient amenities. Our professional protocols and best practices not only create successful clinical outcomes, but also reduce procedure time and increase comfort for our patients. We invest in the best for our patients and it shows in our array of modern advancements.

One of the technologies our practice has integrated is the GentleWave® procedure for cleaning and disinfecting root canals.

  • Minimally invasive
  • Generally performed in one visit
  • Helps preserves more of your tooth structure
  • Many patients describe the experience as comfortable and report minimal to no post-operative pain

Don’t worry about overcrowding; we have over 3000 square feet of space.

Endodontic excellence with Belle Meade hospitality. We’re here for you.